66 miles, 2,464 of climb
It was a dreary, chilly day. Here are my stats and my attempt to dry some stuff.
The day started out damp. Nothing was dry from the rain yesterday. We packed up wet. Because of the flooded road., Mark, Harris, James, and I got turned around and it's half an hour and directions from a park ranger to help us find our way out of the park and get going for the day.
All of us felt sluggish and slow. It was hard to keep up any kind of cadence. We finally decided it was from riding in the rain the day before. Our one big stop for the day was a little town called Round Top and we stopped at the Round Top Coffee Shop and had excellent hot chocolate. Perfect for a cold, overcast day. We were joined by Mark and Harris a little bit after James and I arrived. They closed at noon, but allowed us to stay a while after they closed. Some if the others had opted for pie at another place in Round Top.
Our campsite in Yegua Creek campground overlooked Lake Somerville and we camped not far from the beach. It has been warming up and the evening was quite pleasant. However, there were a lot of other campers and this part of the campground was almost full. I tried drying my clothes using a clothesline I brought for the trip. There were families around us with children and with lots of loud Hispanic music playing.