40.6 miles 1,28 ft. Climb
It was windy all night at the Seminole Canyon State Park (not far from Comstock) where we camped after our 81 mile ride, James and I started out early. Even though it was a short ride, we were uncomfortable considering what a challenge yesterday was for riding. The winds were not nearly as bad, and while they were still headwinds, they were not nearly as strong .
The pavement improved, too. There were several stretches of new asphalt which was a change from the old asphalt. However, the old sections did present a challenge. The shoulder was incredibly bumpy and riding on the rumble strip was smoother. Truck traffic had picked up, as well. The choice was, ride the incredibly bumpy shoulder, ride the rumble strip or ride in the traffic lane.
We made it through the pavement challenges and went over a huge bridge, overlooking the Amistad Reservoir. James took this picture where you can also see the road we were riding on. The headwinds were never a factor in completing the day.
We got to the Motel 6 where we were spending the night. James and I went to a BBQ restaurant for lunch and did have some good food. I thought the brisket was very good.
The temperature reached the mid 80s and I was able to wear a t-shirt and shorts for the first time this trip. Today was a huge change from yesterday. We ate in the back parking lot of the motel. Everyone had on shorts and sitting outside was very comfortable.
While we are very grateful to have a bed and a hot shower periodically, this is life at a Motel 6. Motels are always an option to relax a bit more but also to get reorganized and provides safe bike storage. We would be going home is our bikes were stolen. My bed is on the left. It's always a mess when we try to reorganize and it is very difficult in duffle bags.
Here's dinner at a Motel 6. It was this nicest day yet and we all broke out our shorts.
Tomorrow we will change direction away from the border and enter the hill country. We are approaching the halfway mark in our overall mileage and that will be cause to celebrate.